Tuesday, November 15, 2011
What do you know and think of Country of Georgia?
Russians do not have to respond. Georgia is located in Eastern Europe in the Caucasus region. It is a pro Western pro American Country. It is on it's way of joining NATO and the EU. Georgia is the 3rd largest coalition member in Iraq and has 2000 troops there. It is the member of the WTO. Russia is trying to annex Internationally recognized two Georgian provinces by supplying arms to it's pro kremlin leaders it installed there and is a single most violent source of instability in the region. Russia opposes Georgia's NATO membership.
TOMS or Sanuks? which shoes should i get?
go with the toms, the red looks better then the brown rainbow pattern of the sanuks. but the other colors for the sanuks look pretty nice. im a guy and im not one for casual bright ly colored shoes. id buy sports and athletic shoes in biright colors but these ones are meant to go with pretty much every pair of jeans in your closet. so i recomend a different color for both, either way i like the shape of the toms better then the sanuks.
Am i aloud to clean my duplex at night? is there a rule? we have neighbors below us.?
so when me and my boyfriend both get home at about 9:00 9:30pm we sometimes do some extra cleaning at home. we live in a 2 story duplex, with a married couple below us. and if we walk around at 10:00pm they start beating up here with a broom or pole or something. we have hard wood floors in the living room and it creaks a bit. is there a rule on how late you can clean your house or move stuff around? like if they beat up here more can we just keep cleaning? me and my boyfriend get a little scared, he's kind of a scary guy that yells up here to shut up and slams his front door like he's going to come up stairs and beat our door down.
I have had enough of my mother and I'm thinking of giving her a choice, come clean or stay away!!!?
I don't think it's necessary to go into every detail as it would take forever...but the short version is my mother is one of the most evil people on this planet (im not a teen venting) she's tortured and killed children, animals ect This isn't a joke but Id need a novel to write it all. Here's the thing I emancipated young, I reciently mistakenly forgave her ( I was emotional just lost my family ect) here's the deal she hasn't changed and I don't expect she will but I would like some answers....Im fairly sure I won't get them but I feel I should confron her about these things....It's a miracle Im sane through it all and I think I'm entitled to a real explanation.....Do you think I wasting my breath? or is a good last try worth it so I know, also should I do this in a letter or over the phone? I can't do it in person ( you couldn't imagine the hate I have for her and I don't want to **** up my life anymore over it, if I had her infront of me bring up these things I know I would not be able to keep my calm)
Legal Help! Do you think I have a case?
Your insurance company is talking rot...it may have been a pre existing condition but it hadn't been diagnosed so you were unaware of it when you took out the policy Tell them you are going to sue them on that basis (they are in breach of contract) you could also think about suing the doctor for failing to diagnose your condition within a reasonable time, although I don't know whether you'd have any success there...you should see a lawyer.
Purchasing Virtual Villagers?
If I buy Virtual Villagers for my nephew from their website and he wants to put it on his computer, can I put the game on other computers? And if he plays the game on my computer is it possible to transfer his game onto his computer when he goes back home?? Help please! I want him to get it and play it tonight if we can do these things. Any help would be great!
Where can i buy india / hookah bar style home decor and furniture?
hey, i just moved into a new apartment and im really into the whole india look of things, really mellowed out with floor seating and textiles and decorations. particularly furniture. anyone have any ideas where i can find this?
How much can I get from Starbucks?
I ordered a hot tea the other day and I placed it on the table. When I sat, the tea poured onto my thighs. The table was wobbling. I have a second degree burn and still healing. Can I get any money from Starbucks?
Is this a good fantasy football trade?
the funny thing is u think u guys are different from the people playing magik card games but your just as nerdy and insecure.
A quick way to make money?
You seem to be in quite a tough situation. Could you try doing a paper round? you can get up to about $30 a week or something and you could always do more than one, and they're usually in the mornings or just on weekends so you wouldn't need to worry about balancing school work. Also recently I have taken to selling stuff on ebay. its easy to do and can make you quite a bit of money. Another thing that I am currently doing to make money is gardening for an elderly lady who advertised it locally. Its good because she pays quite well and I can go and work for her whenever I have free time, so that would also not interrupt school work. You could also think about babysitting, I have advertised babysitting and already have about 3 families that I babysit for, which makes me about $50 per week. I would also continue trying to sell some of your artwork, maybe on ebay? I'm sure it would go for something, as well as giving you practice. I hope I've helped and good luck with whatever you do!
Wireless vehicle safety communications?
I need all available informations on the term ''Wireless vehicle safety communications''. it's a project i'm working on. it's a sub-topic under the subject ''telematics''. Hope to get as many answers as possible. thanks for your cooperation.
Pretty easy. Wikipedia has a ton of stuff on the Mongols. You should get your answers there in 5 minutes.
Do you think any of these goals can be achieved by Obama in 4 years?
(1) End Iraq debacle. (2) Equal pay for equal work. (3) Fairer taxation. (4) Send less work overseas. (5) Restore U.S. image abroad. (6) Restore U.S. lead in Science & Technology (7) Education for all. How do you rate these goals of Barack Obama
I love my style but i have a hard time finding perfect shoes..Plzzz Help!!?
I'm talking sneakers and nothing to dressy. Also, pastels are not my thing soo plz no pastries.I would really be happy if u found some nice Nikes.Thanks much:)<<33
Engine makes noise when strained?
When I am going uphill or when I accelerate really fast my Chevy makes a really weird crackling noise and stumbles and loses power for a second. Then the "Service Engine" light comes on. Any freakin idea? lol. Its really annoying.
Why is it that I become more articulate without thinking when I am nervous?
The fact that you aren't thinking at all is exactly WHY you are articulate. Sometimes we try so hard to put just the right words out that we lose our trains of thought. Exes can definitely make you nervous :)
I think I may possibly be insane...visions of the future?
it sounds like you are somewhat obsessed with these "premonitions" as you call them. Fact is most of what we call premonitions are simply self fulfilling.. you think about them happening and you put yourself in situations where what you have been thinking happens, You might benefit from some counseling over your obsession with this, but I don't think you are insane or abnormal.
Is this a good trade for me in an 8 team head to head league?
Yes, King Felix has truly been special this season. Giving up Kendry is a bit of a loss, and Scherzer won't reach his potential until at least next season.
HELP~ Daughters pictures????
im taking my daughter for pictures & she's gonna wear a red tutu with a white background..what color of shirt should she wear?!?
Political Correctness - Has it ped its sell by date?
Has PC ped it's sell by date? Or has is it still fighting back? I think it's still very much with us unfortunately.
Wanted: Honest Woman With Tender Heart.?
I took the Personals profile Quiz and it says that I am only one in 4% of men who have the same personality. I have a Individualist Personality with a sensible Love style. So, my Queston is this, Is there any hope for me to find my true soulmate out there? I can not e-mail on personals because I am only a free member but you can look me up on megafriends under the name:Gizzort. Thank You and happy hollidays.
Es posible quedarse embarazada despu�s de la mestruaci�n?
no se mucho del ciclo mestrual, pero me gustaria saber.... si es que tuve relaciones el ultimo dia de mi mestruacion, casi cuando ya estaba seca, por via es posible que me embaraze�
Mexicans have no history or sense of respect for govt. or law in there country,,why would they here?
it is common knowledge that Mexican government and law enforcement is corrupt, I'm just afraid that, and we already see it to a certain extent, that this is the legacy they bring to the USA and that slowly as more and more come here, and imilate into our government that we will just give up and eventually it will be like Mexico here...I'm sure it will take many years, but just how many? also, We only have so many resources here in the USA, they should be available to legal citizens first. OK. now the liberals and ACLU worshippers can go ahead and bash me for my radical feelings...
Bible help needed ASAP PLEASE!!!!?
Ok, I need to find a verse that is related to my science project. I'm not trying to make anyone do my work for me, I just can't find anything. My project has to do with salt and water, or solutes and solvents. Please help!! Thanks sooo much!! :)
Pain relievers and birth control pills....?
Are you not supposed to take pain relievers if you are on birth control??? I used to but I saw someone else on yahoo answers bring up that issue in their question...
What can be really a whacky gift for ur gal ?? nd its a long distance relationship nd u hav neva eva met her.
i need a really whacky stuff ...but a decent one for ma gal on valentines day !! i havnt met her till nw nd i want this to be really funny nd yet pretty decent !! help me !
What shoud i do?
You screwed up, literally. But everyone has a chance, and you're not going to know what's going to happen unless you try. And if the baby is young then you a lot better chance. So don't wait and later on regret about it. Just call him.
Busking in Florida; is it illegal?
You might need a permit to do that. Check with the city you want to busk in. You can't block the entrance to a business. You can't impede foot traffic on the sidewalks. If you play at an art festival then the festival organizers might want a fee from you two.
Christian rules?
In his book, "The Year of Living Biblically" author A.J. Jacobs says he counted over 700 rules in the Bible. He attempted to follow all of them for an entire year, but ultimately, it proved to be impossible, and quite comical.
Are teenagers of the current generation a little too spoilt?
Yes unfortunately they do have too many facilities that a lot of people back in the day did not have but I am sure therere were people back in the day who were spoiled too.
Will Lita, Trish, Ashley return?
I hope that Trish is coming back the last time I saw her y body is on the last o she made, gosh trish is hot!!!
Is there a better way to attach a tin elbow/hose to a dryer outlet than a metal/plastic clamp or duct tape?
The dryer outlet is only ~1/2" long and inadequate to get a snug fit between a 4" tin elbow/hose when using a clamp. The clamp isn't designed to tighten at any angle in relation to the pipe, and any extension easily falls off. Duct tape doesn't work either as this gets damp and loses its sticking properties. I've tried a plastic extension in the past, but found the adhesive ring to have the same problem, because the extension can only "hang on" with the 1/2" available on the dryer outlet. I'd rather not resort to superglue... please help.
After Care for Belly on Piercing.?
they told me to use that but i used bactine insetad and it worked well. i also used non secnted antibactrial soap (dial) while i was in the shower and that also cleaned it. i know that H2O ocean spray works well too though.
Can you turn off the brake lamps in your car?
I found out both of my brake lamps were out a day after I got a car wash. Could one of the guy working at the car wash mistakenly hit the switch to turn off both of my brake lights? I have a 2000 honda accord and never did both of them went out at the same time.
How do you become a hairdressing lecturer?
I'm currently studying hairdressing at level 3, and am unaware what to do next...I'd really like to go into lecturing but I am unsure how to go about it.
What do you think of this original story?
I really like it, but if it's your story I'd go against posting it so others can read unless you don't mind people stealing your ideas. It happens alot.....
Monday, November 14, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows top questions?
Just read the book yourself instead of getting someone to tell you what happened... you'll be so much more satisfied i you read it yourself...
Why is Europe pressing for no-fly zones over Libya more than anyone else?
Press away, the U.S. should give their endorsement of EUROPE establishing a no-fly zone over Libya. The EU's combined GDP is as large as the United States, certainly they can manage the effort with-out the U.S. being the scape goat at a later date if things go wrong.
Will the guys at the club door let me p if I show them the following?
Why don't you call the club ahead of time and ask the manager? It's not a matter of etiquette, but one of the club's individual policies. Either way, I would not wait until the night of the event and be left standing there on the doorstep like a fool if they don't accept it. Just call and ask.
Are evolution deniers qualified to sit on a jury?
That has to be one of the stupidest questions I've ever seen. Just because person believes in Creationism doesn't mean that they are so stupid that they can't figure out evidence in a crime.
How is Flexicare's Cod Liver Oil Forte good for joint problems? This product is widely sold in Malaysia.?
the best medicine for joint problems is to exercise regularly and attend physiotherapy cl, others are just sales talk and supplement with little help
Does sprinting with a parachute really help you run a faster 40?
Well resistance is a good way to increase any type of running. Parachutes are obviously cheaper, but with a sled, you can increase the amount of weight you pull.
In response to Scotland Yard's recent search for Madeleine, why do some people?
i hope the haters can understand that in order to have scotland yard investigate the dissapearance of your child that they must be innocent of her murder, otherwise why have our countries best searching for her knowing you're gonna get caught !. this should have been done years ago and its a real shame there was no effort made by previous governments, Cameron of course is doing it to increase his popularity but i do hope that they make some headway so everyone involved can finally have some closure and Paul C and Dave can find summat else to bleat on about like Natalie Cidy's bum lol
Does anyone know where I can order Frank's Gold Fever Zing Sauce Wholesale?
I'm having trouble finding anyone who will sell my the Frank's Red Hot brand of Gold Fever Zing Sauce. It's a Hot Wing Sauce and I really need to find it. I'd like either a case of 12 or a gallon jug of the product.
Why is my deaf dog misbehaving so much?
My maltese has recently gone 100% deaf due to constant ear infections. He has been getting into EVERYTHING recently especially the garbage, which is gross. He only responds to claps and high pitched noises so it is hard to call him. Does the misbehaving have to do with his lack of hearing? Anything to help discipline would be great. Thanks!
Please need help with a nagging cough?
ok, well about 9 days ago, i got a terrible cold..sore throat, fever, the works. ive gotten over it, BUT i have this persistent dry cough that suddenly makes me go into a coughing fit. and i feel i have phlegm too. AND my nose is still runny kinda. its kinda gross, but the mucus that comes up is yellowy. how can i get rid of these?? theyre ruining my life. lol.
What is the life expectancy for some one with pancreatic cancer and who had the whipple procedure?
whipple procedure had been recently performed and this person is still in the hospital but we have been told that it had started to go into a neaby vein the doctors are saying they had got all the cancerbut are not giving us as to how long the survival rate is or how long this person has.
Should i get a 1990 Toyota celica 255,000km?
the person is asking for 2300 for it and i have a feeling its a bit overpriced for that year and with that make kilometers on it. should i get this vehicle? and if i really wanted what is the right price range for it?
Question regarding Steve Nash's greatness?
lmao @ Jesse...you have no idea how right you are....the dude really is gay...he posted a question describing Kobes iness the other day...i lost my appetite...no lie i couldnt even finish my pizza after reading it.
The Battle of Antietam aka Sharpsburg?
a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antietam" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antietam/a
Need some boy advice with this boy i really like? help?
Firstly, yesterday was your fist date...and if he likes you as he says he does...he not gonna quit on ya when he just getting started...besides...he was being a bit overly forward for only the second date...You can say...I was thinking we like each other..and it is probably a good thing we take things a bit slower so we can really get to know one another...not sure of your rep or your mindset..but from what I read above..you did only the appropriate thing...and you set some boundaries...I would not worry about it..and if this puts him off...ya better off without him...
How would you summarize this?
Eye contact and facial expressions also play a role in persuasion. A study conducted by Brian Mullen and colleagues (1986) and discussed in Gladwell (2002) took place during the presidential campaign between Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan. All ABC, NBC, and CBS nightly newscasts were videotaped for 8 days prior to the election. All references to the candidates were organized into 37 segments, each approximately 2.5 seconds long with no sound. Subjects were asked to watch each segment by each newscaster (Peter Jennings at ABC, Tom Brokaw at NBC, and Dan Rather at CBS) and score he facial expressions on a 21-point point scale from 1, “extremely negative,” to 21, “extremely positive.” The results indicated that Brokaw and Rather used practically the same expressions for both candidates (scores averaged in the 10ss for Rather and 11s for Brokaw), but Jennings had a 13.38 when talking about Mondale had a 13.38 when talking about Mondale and a 17.44 when discussing Reagan. When regular watchers of each program were called and asked whom they voted for, those who watched ABC voted Reagan significantly more often than those who watched the other two stations, even though additional research showed that ABC was the “most hostile to Reagan” (Gladwell, 2002, p. 76). The study was repeated in the Michael Dukakis—George H. W. Bush campaign with the same results. The researchers concluded that it was a subtle pro-Republican bias showing in Jennings’s face that influenced the viewers.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Is Fred Phelps the most despised man in America?
nope, that honour is saved for George Bush. Fred Phelps is on the fastrack to being declared a national hero.
Jelly Belly Harry Potter Bertie Bots?
I saw on the food network that they use real horse radish to flavor the horse radish jelly bean. What about the vomit and booger and other flavors?
Guinea Pig Hutch Designs?
I want to make a guinea pig hutch with a run and a bed part in it. Does anyone have any good designs that i could use. I also want it to have things that they can play with on it.
My cat is petrified of thunder...?
If he is really botherd by it, you can contact your vet and see if they would be willing to prescribe diazepam. This is animal valium, and it will help calm him down during storms. There is also a medication called clomicalm. This is an herbal supplement that is not a controlled drug that is supposed to work in the same way. I know here in Pennsylvania, I can get clomicalm in pet stores. You definitely need to see the vet for diazepam though.
How did bruce lee flex that back muscle??
Flexability. It's hunching your shoulds in a backwards position. It's like flexing delts, backwards.. back of shoulder blade..
What should i do about my l itchiness?
well ever since i started having my is itchy all the time, also after i it gets itchy too, its really annoying and washing it doesnt help at all, i even tell my boyfriend not to touch me beacuse of the fact that it gets to itchy.. what causes thiss?? and how do i get rid of it?? what medicine shoud i take or is there any lotion that cures itt????????????????
Which bike is best for me?
Townsend Thrash BMX (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001VKY9Q4/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE) or the Flite Panic 20" BMX (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Flite-Panic-20-BMX-Green/dp/B002BDU87Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=sports&qid=1253225937&sr=1-2) im 17 and 5' 7, any awnsers apreciated
Is it better to consolidate debt into an existing personal loan than have credit cards and a personal loan?
Hope this makes sense. Just after some serious advice on whether I should consolidate all my credit cards again into an existing personal loan. Also not looking for lectures, I've learned my lesson.
What does a thesis statement do?
A thesis statement is a sentence (or sentences) that expresses the main ideas of your paper and answers the question or questions posed by your paper. It offers your readers a quick and easy to follow summary of what the paper will be discussing and what you as a writer are setting out to tell them.
Headache pinpointed behind eyeball?
I'm working on a bizarre migraine that isn't the typical for me. This time its a concentrated point behind my right eyeball. I've taken my normal orphedrine which is usually like magic on migraines and its not working. Is this just another migraine in a different location?
Please only knowledgeable people respond, thank you..I have a question on taxes?
I am asking for someone else, as this person has been separated from his wife for two years now. He makes more than her and is wondering if she has any claims over his earnings? She wants to file jointly and he does not want to. I am thinking that since they are both separated from each other, he should be separate from her and likewise. Kind of sounds to me like she wants more of the cake then she is deserving of. They have one child that is now an adult so child support is not in the ball game any more. Anyone else have some opinions on this, would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
Is there a way to correct the uncorrected distant vision?
What was the test for? If it was for driving I've heard it requires people to be just 20/40. If that's the case your eyesight may not be as bad as you think. All you can do if you want a total fix is look at lasik or similar, contacts are only a part-time solution.
I need help in this question about electricity !?
Light from an object O enters a gl slab at B and emerges at C as shown in this diagram : http://yfrog.com/1sframerp . To an observer looking at the emerging ray, the object O appears to be at I. Since AB=OI and the rays are close to the axis , calculate the apparent displacement OI of the object , if the refractive index of gl is 1.51 and the thickness t of the gl slab is 2.3 cm.
Before Obama could do nothing but give speeches, but has he now even failed at doing that right?
Its become obvious that 0bama is not a leader even to his handlers. As a result they have taken charge and taken 0bama out of the "leadership" role in his speeches and put 0bama back into the campaign mode in his speeches! So get ready to hear promise after promise, but its OK, 0bama won't deliver these promises either.
I need help on a project. Any help would be amazing!?
well literacy rates tell how many people per a certian place can read and write so it depends on acdemics and how smart you are so the better you do in school the better jobyou will get/get a job
Where can I buy a North Face backpack from Fisherman's Wharf SF, CA?
I just wanna know where you can buy a North Face backpack from Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, California??
[[MJ FANS]] What was your first impression of Michael?
I watched MJ along with the Jackson 5, and listened to ABC, Never Can Say Goodbye, Ben, I Want You Back, etc.., during the '70s. That's my first impression of Michael Jackson. And you are right !!! Even as an adult, it becomes crystal clear that Michael Jackson is a champion of many charitable causes, including children's. Michael Jackson was and still is the best !!!
Who would like to trade unused ewbkinz code?
i have two unused webkinz secret code, one lion and a persian cat. i would like to trade on of them for a nother UNUSSED!!!! secret webkinz code. please help. p.s: please let know your email!!!
Significance of Stephen Vincent Benet's autobiography?
What would you say is of significance or of interest? Is there anything about him that influenced what or how he wrote?
What are psychological reasons one might talk to his or herself in public?
I'm at the college computer lab and the guy next to me keeps talking to himself and then twirling in the seat and then mumbling other things. He's not scary, just annoying.
That's strange, since when I copied your code and pasted it in IDLE (my python editor), it ran fine. I entered 'great' (without the quotes) for the first adjective and it replaced 'best' with 'great'.
My cat quit using her litter box?
The runny poo is not good and suggests something is not quite right, her change in behavior also points to something being wrong with her. Is there anyway the kittens had something?
Why was she so angry at me?
She's not happy. She's trying to place the blame on you, when she actually knows it's all hers. She's the one who married the guy.
What is the best way to deal with GERD???
I had my gall bladder out in January and now i have the wonderful side affect of gerd.. what can be done to tolerate this??
Today I was so cold I was shaking and so tired I could barley keep my head up in cl why is that?
Everyone else around me was fine.I was shaking all day I was so cold I am always like this though.I was wearing jeans with a cami with a short sleeve shirt and a sweater but I was still shaking.and I could barley make it in my cles like I felt dizzy and could barley make it to them.and whenever I touch cold water it's goes to my heart and start shaking because of the cold.what's wrong with me?ive also gone to the beach in sweatpants and a hoodie in 90 degree humid weather.and no effect at all.
Anxiety or something else ?
Okay im a 14 year old female in 8 grade and i have been having problems with what i thought was motion sickness for the past 5 months. Now im starting to wonder if i have an anxiety disorder. Somedays I cant go to school i missed 4 weeks in a row because i was so sick to my stomach and just couldnt handle the crowd noise. But now I dont go out with my family to eat, And if they try and make me go i have a panic attack. After the math and reading TAKS test i recently took i felt so horrible and couldnt stop shaking. I noticed it was getting worse when my parents started fighting. im a shy person and dont talk much except to my friends. And school is fine so i dont really know what could be causing this :( Im afraid of throwing up if that makes a difference :P gosh i just hate it so much !! and im thinking im so afraid of getting sick that im making myself sick :P go figure.......
What do my symptoms sound like?
This seems to be my second round of allergies this spring, but it might be something else. My symptoms are extremely runny nose, severe sore throat, and I have a weak cough that brings up dark green colored phlegm and over all I just feel like death.
Are there any women who have lived in Pittsburgh for 10+ years and dislike Sidney Crosby?
I made a bet with my cousin that I could find someone who had lived in Pittsburgh for an extended period of time and didn't like Sidney Crosby. My deadline was six hours ago so I really need to know.
I eat panties, will this make girls think Im weird?
You may have heard of men that like to sniff panties, well I take things one step further and actually eat them, but only if they have been worn by a girl and have not been washed. I think I may have some kind of mental issue that I really need to get sorted. My girlfriend went to the toilet just after we had , when she came back she asked where her panties where. When I told her I had eaten them she completely freaked out. After this I went through her dirty laundry a few times to find her panties and then I ate them. She was totally p*ssed off and left me, she said I was a weirdo and it was costing her a fortune in new panties. Now that I can't eat her panties anymore I have started sneaking into ladies changing rooms in swimming pools and gyms so I can steal their panties and eat them. If Im really desperate and cant get hold of worn panties I will steal them of washing lines and munch on them. I have to admit I get extremely turned on by eating the panties and always have a throbbing when I am doing this. I know I need help, I guess you could say I'm a pantieoholic, but there are no support groups or help lines that I can call for this problem, what should I do?
Help me with my Skill Drain deck?
add in beast king barbaros and some more duel mode beast. some chainsaw insects would be helful too. mybe some d-hero defender and big shield gardna and monster effects that ativate in the graveyard like shield warrior and necro gardna.
Why is there visible vapor when we exhale during cold weather?
When air is exhaled by the lungs it is saturated with water vapor (100% relative humidity) and at body temperature (about 98.6F). When exhaled into very cold air there is too much vapor in the air and some must condense (like fog) until it is at 100% relative humidity at the colder temperature. The condensed vapor quickly evaporates and disappears into the cold dry surrounding air. The tailpipes of cars may also show condensed vapor on a very cold day because when a gallon of gasoline is burned it produces about a gallon of vaporized water.
For God's Sake... No it's not fake. It's scripted. Story lines are fake. It's acting, but it's entertainment. Sure punch by punch, they try not to hit each other, and possibly miss, but you can't fake some of that stuff. They're obviously getting injured, and tell me how to fake Jeff Hardy's dive onto Randy Orton off the set over 30 feet high. Edge spearing Foley at WM 22 onto a flaming table. HOW??? I know, bladeing, whatever, but let's see you jump off a ladder and mash somebody through a table. If you think it's "fake" then you're wrong. But I won't argue, WWE haters will never get it, and they'll never shut up. FAKE FAKE FAKE, News Flash.... You watch movies and TV shows don't you? You enjoy them don't you? But wait, THEYRE ACTING. MOVIES AND SHOWS ARE $*@!ING ACTING! But you still watch it? And you don't complain about it? SO WHY @*&!ING COMPLAIN ABOUT WRESTLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!! How would you like for us to follow you around and point out everything you like thats fake, and just pick at you until you snap. Well let me tell ya'll something, SHUT YOUR MOUTHES! I'M SICK OF IT! WE'RE SICK OF IT! For all I care, people who think WWE's fake PSSH, you can go crawl in a hole and rot you little stuck up *****.... WHO'S WITH ME???!!!! STAR IF YOU AGREEE!!!!
I can't figure out how to remove secuirity tool rogue anti virus program. please help.?
No it would not say security tool it would have some random name, you need to find the one that does not belong and end it. Once you figure out which process is security tool then it might work. Another way is to use hijackthis and look for it there, but again you have to know how to spot it. I would try and end it using msconfig since it would be easier to find that way.
What is this?
What is galling? My 21-month-old gelding has an infection just on his right hind leg, on the outside. It is yellowish, probably from puss. I asked a question about that spot, and was told it was galling. I looked it up online, and all I found was galling from the cinch rubbing along the horse's girth. My horse has not been broke to ride yet, and hasn't had a saddle on in quite some time (too cold outside!). So, i was wondering how my horse would get it on his leg? just a question. If you look at my other recent question, it has a link to the pic of his leg. thanks!
I have a dog with parvo, help?
if you think she has parvo you need to get her to a vet immediately, parvo will kill a dog, you can call around and see if any vets will see her for free and then gradually let you pay them back...if you have any rescue organizations you can call them, they might beable to help you
You know All these people talk about how great Kobe Bryant is and How great Lebron James is and I've heard some people state that Kevin Garnett is the player that is Overated in the series comming up between the Laker's and the Celtics ( which David Stern has made, we knew that with the 30-40 ft shots by the celtics and the call or should I say no-call on Barry) IN my eye's Garnett is the best player and Kobe and Lebron are the two most overated. I bet if you looked up the stats and seen who took the most ft attempts in the leauge since Lebron has been in the leauge and I can guarantee you that Lebron and Kobe are the two at the top. These two guys get more calls then anyone else in the leauge!!!! Think how many points that they would average if this was not the case and god knows that the two are the biggest cry babies when they don't get the calls. So my question is can anyone get those stats for me or know the awnser of who has take the most FT attempts since lebron has entered?
Experience of reading out loud during preg, listening to clical music, and teaching a baby sign language.?
I am 5 months pregnant and i have been purchasing bedtime books since my 20th week. I read somewhere that it really helps the development of my babys brain in the womb. i am also going to buy some bach and mozart to play in the background. I have also purchased some baby books that show basic sign language and i have started practicing and teaching my bf. I was wondering what the experinence has been for mothers who have done this with their children.
Isn't the result the important thing?
Yes, the result is the important thing. The results we want are all the illegals getting deported. And we don't want to make illegals legal either. We just want them gone.
My girlfriend has emotional problems and is physically and mentally abusive - what can I do?
you cant change someone unless they want to change and it doesnt sound like she does. im sorry to say this but her saying things about suicide and such are ways of makin you feel sorry for her so you wont leave hint this is her controlling you with pitty. you never know what you have until its gone so why dont you just leave and maybe in the lack of your presences she willl change to get you back if not with what you described i dont think she would have much luck getting another guy. most men will NOT put up with that i mean i know my bf wouldnt hope this helpd and good luck!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Blood test to check the immunity towards chicken pox?
I have had chicken pox in the past but still I want to check if I'm still immune to the virsus. What is the exact name of the blood test that will serve my purpose.
The “Great Tribulation”? Isn’t that supposed to be a Horrible Time of Blood Letting? Are We in the Great Tr..?
I haven't studied the Great Tribulation much. But the Bible does say that 'the day of the Lord is one of darkness, not light'. The Day of the Lord (and I'm not sure what that means) will be a terrible day.
I have indefinite leave to remain in the UK and i need to return to zimbabwe, can i claim voluntary return?
it's telling how a lot of "Asylum seekers" seem to want to Shuttle backwards and forwards, from their "oppressive sate" ..
How will u call your girl friend (your lover) if she is sweet, smart, funny and most of that she is y?
shehrazaad ( in arabic stories in 1001 nights was a sweet,beautiful,smart,y woman who saved herself life by telling everynight a story to her husband the king
Help with Cat?
My cat who is 3 1/2 years old is a rather stinky cat. I bathe her regularly, but the problem lies in that she doesn't know how to clean herself after she uses the kitty box. She has poo and kitty litter stuck to her after she leaves the box, and promptly goes to lay on my bed afterward. She is making my bed smell like a litter box! I clean her as often as I can, being sure to wipe her . I am to the point of washing my sheets every other day to get the smell out, and I am spending so much money on laundry soap and baby wipes. I am getting so stressed by this. What can I do to teach her how to clean herself and/or not go onto my bed? Any other tips on how to keep her clean?
Do the words we use to describe "significant others" suggest Objectification?
It's to do with the english language. For example I will say this is MY husband, because he is my husband no one elses. If I said this is A husvand, it could be anyones. Inthe same way this is MY teacher, this is MY uncle. It doesn't mean we own a persson, i's just the word to signify that it is connected to us.
Please list breakthroughs in chemistry or any latest development in chemistry in recent years.?
I need this urgently. please atleast give me the name of the breakthrough or development. as many as you can. thanks. dr. a im counting on you.
How can I use Whole Green Olives cured in brine?
Brand Name is "Crespo". It tasted quite salty as is. How can it be made more edible? Methods of seasoning,cooking,using as condiment in meals or baking.
I just wrote in first person God's purpose for existence, and then the universe's opinions.?
Kudos to you! It's Ironic how the worlds 2 opposite religions are equally false...LOL very nice and accurate translation of the two religions.
Speeding ticket and suspended liscense?
I went to court today in Virginia and was found guilty of driving on a suspended liscense and speeding .i was given 3 yrs probation and fines .I was just curious do I have any options in regards to having probation reversed for the suspended liscense since they are reinstated at this time
When a person gets a nother computer & has 2 computers, can you keep same e mail? how does that work?
yes you can keep the same email just sign in under yours and the other one will delete it self then he can sighn in under his or here name you can have alot of people on 2 computers
Krakow, Poland used to be a wonderful place. Now the drunken British filth...?
...are crawling all over it as if they discovered the place. I am an American who lived in Krakow for many years. I came back to the United States about 6 years ago. I returned to Krakow to visit some friends and what did I find? Drunken British tourists everywhere, in the streets, in the square, shouting profanities and puking everywhere. It is a shame that Krakow is being overrun by these idiots. The Krakow I loved is gone. The British are running apartment prices thru the sky with the Pound. Ridiculous crumbly apartments for $150,000 bucks I could have bought for $15,000 to $25,000 only about 8 years ago. I used to drink beer for about $.75 all day and now it's almost $3.50. I am sad to see Poland go this direction, leaving their own citizens to become peasant workers for the drunken British s. Anyone else suffer the same experiences?
What happens to subsidized loans for college if you take a summer off?
Subsidized loans for college, says the goverment pays the interest as I attend school at least on a half time student. Which is 6 credits a semester. But what if I only take one (3credit cl) or even take the entire summer off? Will I be responsible to start paying for my loans, even if I would go back in the Fall Semester?
On the Glamour Kills tour this fall with All Time Low, do they play The Party Scene?
does anyone know their set list, who has gone to the GK tour already? i might be going and i'm dying to know what they're going to play! please let me know :)!
Good beginer Moniter Lizzard?
Im not going to get another reptile but i was just wondering if and when the time comes i would be able to get a moniter whcih one would be good for begginers. Or would a iguana be better, although i think i would want something that takes up less space and im also worried about dealing with an adult male (iv come across them in the widl, they arnt fun.) the last reptile show i went to i was cheking out the savanna moniters, whats the story on them, i know they dont get too big, 2.5-5 feet.
What should we do if our daughter started misbehaving after being teased?
my daughter, gemma, has a developmental disability and is mildly mentally retarded. she is fourteen but has the mild of a little girl. she made friends with a five-year-old girl who lives a few houses away, the best friend she has ever had. her name is josie. they played together in the park everyday. gemma was beside herself with joy. i was pleased that she had company, but i was also worried. josie will grow older and she will look at gemma through different eyes. i braced myself for that moment. oneday i was cooking in the kitchen, when i heard screaming from outside. i peeked out the window. josie`s older brother, who is almost nine, was circling gemma on his bike as he shrieked at her, calling her stupid, a baby, a freak and a bunch of other nasty names. josie was skipping along at his side, a savage smile on her face. gemma stood horrified, her face burning red. josie danced about, hurling contempt. then they peeled off, howling. gemma came inside and sat in silence all day. it was not fair and gemma was really angry. she started misbehaving. she threw things aside, ripped many books from the shelf, and would tease her little brother, charlie, until he cried. whenever we dropped things or tripped, she would laugh out loud. gemma would binge on chocolate milk, cookies, ice-cream and lollies all the time and refuse to touch the fruits and vegetables i beg her to eat. things started going from bad to worse. bedtimes became the most difficult of all. she would be so loud that neighbours came to complain. gemma`s behaviour was driving my family crazy. she even acted up in school, picking fights and throwing huge tantrums whenever she could not have everything her own way. does anyone have advice on what we should do?
How comes Robbie Keane has been loaned out more times than a Library book?
and that library book i am referring to, is Alex Ferguson's "Managing My Life: The Autobiography"............
Erbody In Da Club!!Looky Here?
Ok So I Need An Editorial Topic For My School Newspaper. I Was Trying To Think Of 1 For Like 30 Minutes 2 Day. I Didnt Come Up With Ne Thing..=[ And I Read Some Of The Other Answers 2 This Question But It Wasnt Ne Help. Some Of Them Said Like "Write About What Interests U." Or "Listen 2 People Around U Talk." Yeah Those Arent Very Good Answers. So Please Dont Say Things Like That. I Beg Of U. Like Please Just List Some Like Points or Bullet Poiints Things Like That. Please And Thank U. EDITORIALS 4 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER. And Since I No A Lot Of U Will Say It, THIS IS NOT HW. But I No None Of U Will Believe But I No Im Telling The Truth. SO Please And Thank U.
Wheel problems?
i have a clunking noise coming from my left front wheel(the wheel almost feels loose)and a couple of days a ago a clicking noise is coming from drivers side front wheel, although it only makes that noise occasionally like when I bring the car to a stop. Any ideas on what it could be? The lug nuts aren't loose, I have already checked those. The car is a 92 Ford Thunderbird.
Where is the best place to get daughter's ears pierced?
My 8 year-old daughter has decided that she absolutely must have her ears pierced, which I have no objection to. However, both her older sister and I have difficulties wearing earrings due to nickel allergies. I thought going to a professional piercer instead of a shop that uses a gun would be better and avoid the allergy development, but they cannot pierce her ears because the law will not allow them. She must be 12 or older! Any suggestions? Where is the best place to go? (We live in Albuquerque if it helps.)
What bands/music artists would suit my taste?
Cold War Kids, The White Stripes, Sublime, OPM, Manchester Orchestra, Nada Surf, Streetlight Manifesto
Dying my hair plum-burgundy...help! =D?
So...I haven't dyed my hair in like seven months, and I have like five or six inches of black root, and the rest of my hair is a brown bry color. I wanna dye the top of my hair at home...what should I do? Do you think it will come out good if I just dye it like I normally would? Or would I need to do something specific?
What is wrong with my site? will it ever get better? what can i do to improve sight naturally?
my current eyegl readings are: right eye (OD) sph -300, cyl -125 and axis 10 and the left eye (OS) sph -300, cyl -225 and axis 170...
How likely would I be to convince my boss that I can work from home the first year after giving birth?
I work for a fast growing church as their director of communications, but basically I am their graphic designer. I maintain the website, the biweekly newsletter, the Sunday bulletins, and many other publications. I feel confident that I could do my job from home if I had to (new born baby). How should I go about convincing my boss (the Rector) that I should be allowed to do this?
DOES HE LIKE ME!?!??!?! 10 points for most descriptive answer! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Just stop him one day and tell what you think about him. Ask him if he thinks you are attractive and what he thinks of you. He clearly likes you he just is waiting for you to make a move.
Is powdered graphite a safe lubricant to use in the ignition of a car?
I drive a 1997 Honda Accord and the wheel is locked and the key won't fit in the whole way. I've jiggled it bunches and put the gears in neutral and nothing unlocks the wheel for me to start the engine. This is a new problem.
Friday, November 11, 2011
What guitar is Darren criss using please:D? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui4468CsAU0&feature=related?
What guitar is darren criss using in these rollingstone interviews, i would appreciate your answers:)
Where can i find a good huck Finn map for the book?
The map must have 8 villages and towns pinpointed. And it must have where the major events took place.it also must have the surrounding states.
What is is the legality to open carry or concealed carry an air pistol handgun in a holster in FL ??
I imagine that if carrying concealed br knuckels is considered carrying a concealed weapon then an air pistol would also be illegal. The key words are "concealed weapon." Not concealed gun.
Do non-dragon-believers think that they are able to discern all things?
Things can exist beyond human comprehension. And with my human comprehension, I comprehend that beyond human comprehension lies an incomprehensible purple fire-breathing dragon whose name is Joseph, and I comprehend his incomprehensible personality perfectly and can describe all his characteristics.
Has anyone from Texas gotten married at a Sandals resort? If so, how did you register the marriage in TX?
We're getting married in April 2007 in Jamaica at the Sandals Dunns River Villaggio. I am planning to take my husband's name. We want to make sure the marriage is registered and valid in TX. I am specifically hoping someone from Texas who has been in the same position will answer; even if you're not from TX, if you got married at a Sandals resort and then registered the marriage in the US, I'd like to hear from you! Thanks so much!
There are many people swear falsely so why in islamic rule court can order base on swear to koran ?
i have seen many lifes change just because of false swear of some people but still in islamic country many court orders is base on swear . if 4 person swear falsely that a man has killed some one accordding to islamic laws that helpless man should be punish . please dont write me that there is such a rule in other religions i am not here to compare islam with another religions . this is just a question about islam i want to know if islam is the most complete religion what should be so ?????????no wise accept that there are always many people in islam religion or other religion who lie so how can trust to swear ????????dont you agree many people swear to koran falsely ????so if islam says court can trust to swear to koran its cant be true
Does this sound like we could be pregnant!? PLEASE HELP 10PTS?
My period is every 7-8 weeks, my last period was June 7th. My husband and I have been having unprotected. 3 weeks ago I went to the gyno because I was experiencing cramping (not normal) - mostly on my right side. Gyno said everything looked perfect - she said it could be early pregnancy. 2 weeks ago, I noticed brown/pinkish discharge so I took a test - it was negative. Now, I am experiencing mild nausea, exhaustion, bloating, mild cramp twinges in abdomen, lots of clear discharge, and sore (tmi)...Most recently its been nausea, hungry alot, and bad dizziness. I wanted to know if i took the test too early 2 weeks ago, if It sounds like pregnancy symptoms, and if i should test ago? I am confused because i have never been pregnant before. Please share you advice and stories.. THANK YOU!
Redistribution of wealth, McCain claims is socialism?How are our tax dollars distributed?
Should we stop funding public programs and only send our money over seas and start all the highways in this country with toll roads?schools?Polics or just carry our own guns? Fireman? Maybe we should let prisoners out or just kill them all? Ship credit fraud people and pot growers out to sea and dump them for shark food? What should we do about all this socialism that McCain is against?
Hear is the first Christmas turkey joke for you?
Oh! Poor turkey! There he was thinking his little world was perfect after such a struggle! I am definitely going to eat beef now, that will get that horrible bull as I have some lovely rump steaks!
Can the cowboys make the playoffs?
The Cowboys have the second toughest schedule in the NFL for the rest of the year...they were obviously overrated...but they are still a very troubled yet talented team...if...they can beat the Redskins next week..in Washington..Do you think they can make the playoffs? If they lose to the skins I think they are finished for the year and Phillips is fired(at the end of the season).
I have a question about using Midi with Cubase Studio 5?
youtube > search for Cubase Studio 5...by the way, ive heard webcam drivers can cause cubase to malfunction, probably cuz they have a mic built-in but not sure
Anybody from laguna?
Go south from Manila. at the end of SLEX go through Calamba, Los Ba�os and Santa Cruz. You'll find it on the other side of Pagsanjan
What's that one baby website....?
The one that sends you a weekly newsletter about the size of your baby and what is going on with baby and stuff like that. I just found out today that I am pregnant and I am SO excited!!!!!
What does the D3 and D4 mean on a honda civic?
my dad says its overdrive but i think he's wrong. please tell me how and when to use both the D3 and D4 gears.
How likely is it that huge pine trees can be killed by progressive IVY encroachment, invasion, & infestation? ?
The answer seems to be maybe. Ivy can cause bark rot if it is thick enough. it can also shade out the canopy if it gets that far up. It may also make the tree more likely to suffer structural damage due to ice or wind. But will it? I don't know.
I have creat a pading website plz give me gide line?
sir/mam, i have created a full pade website, can i ? plz give me gideline.which type i m creating our company website.
Would Beyonce be big if she didn't work out like she does? I see her sometimes and she looks fairly big boned.
I saw her on an interview once and she says she gets tans and she has a tight workout regimen she follows with an instructor. I have seen her in pics and on tv sometimes and she looks like she is borderline big, but just shapely with it? Anyone else agree or know what I'm talking about?
Can anyone please creat a youtube account and send it to me .because I can't .thanks?
we can but then we can hack you and would you really want that? i really dont think so. its basically easy to create one. and simple. u dont have to use real info if u dont want to. if that what ur afraid of. or use a proxy if u trying to hide ur ip but whats the point.
Fernando Montiel stop Giovani Soto in two, fight with with Nonito Donaire is on?
Montiel stop Soto in a very convincing fashion.a href="http://www.examiner.com/boxing-in-las-vegas/fernando-montiel-blitzes-soto-two-ready-to-prove-he-s-better-than-donaire" rel="nofollow"http://www.examiner.com/boxing-in-las-ve…/a Time to make the fight between him and Nonito. Hate to see two gladiator destroy each other especially friends but time to see who's better. Your thoughts on the outcome.
Is the new game Sims 3 fun?
I was wondering this before I went out and bought the seventy dollar game. The commercial seemed a bit too unrealistic, and I wanted to know if it really looked like that in gameplay. Yes? I'm only looking for people who have the game, please(:
Why are people like this?
Toxins change who people are. Like your dad, your sis is apparently in that mind set too. I'm so sorry. It's a tough situation. Sparing with Dad is pointless. His personality is not his own. May I suggest you prioritize and leave alone what you can. Sounds trite, but that's about all you can do. Good luck.
What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with 7 sides?
The sum of the interior angles of a Regular polygon is given by the formula=2(n-2)*90 (where n is the no. of sides). Here n=7, so the sum is 900. Think rationally, a polygon with 4 sides can be cut into 2 triangles, one with 5 sides can be cut into 3 triangles, one with 6 sides can be cut into 4 triangles, one with 7 sides can be cut into 5 triangles. So the measure of the interior angles of 5 triangles is 900 degrees.
Will the "SUPERDELEGATES" unite with the candidate that has the most pledged delegates at the end of the race?
This would be the only fair way to respect the will of the people by all the votes cast in every state since the Iowa caucus.
Does he??? HELP!?
one day in cl we had to do a group project. and he happens to be in the same group as me. i was standin/leanin on the seat behind him. john said "aye can you hand me my backpack behind you?" and i said no. and he said aww u look so pretty today. and said thank you but no. and then chris said. no she look fine. he said that just when i got up to get the backpack. he also tried to play punch me in da stomach. and i notice and i play punch him back. so basically we were like punchin eachother. in lunch. he was sitting on the other side of the bench. he saw me he walk over and sat next to me. my friend said awww u guys make a cute couple and he said oh really? during ping periods, when he sees me, he stops and look at me. and sometimes i can see him starring at me. and once in lunch, he was sittng and saw me so he stand up and i said what and he said what. i said what you looking at. he said looking at you and smiled. i like him so do you think he likes me??
How do you feel about eating meat, drinking milk or having cheese from the offspring of a cloned cow?
I just read about that in the paper like 5 minutes ago, I'm kinda scared of it. Does cloning hurt the animals that they clone?
Who would of won in a fight? Bruce Lee or Muhammad Ali?
this was answered by both of them. ali was quoted saying bruce lee would kill him, and lee was quoted saying ali would beat him up. and there both right and it makes sense as ALI was talking about the street to the death and LEE was talking about a ring with rules. ali does not have enough total body and leg defense to defend against lee's devastatingly blinding attacks on the street and in the ring lee could not keep up with ali's weight and reach advantage unless there was no rules
Girls... and guys i guess? i need help!?!?
i really like this girl but im not sure if she likes me back. im am in grade 9 i have braces and a unibrow which i have to pluck(which hurts like hell) im a nice guy, honest, trustworthy and i dont like to swear. i play trombone (3rd year), used to play french horn (started this year but lost mouthpiece and violin (9th year) i love a good challenge and although ive nvr been on a date i think i am pretty romantic. i have very little acne. how can i confirm that she likes me or try to get her to like me
My puppy is 6 months she's a poodle mix and... can anyone help please!?
My dog isn't eating she only like eating OUR food,HUMAN food i bought her some treats they are like sticks of beef jerky she loves that! that's the only thing she'll eat i only give her one stick a day!... i feed her the science hills dog food veterinarian recommended... but she might eat a lil but only if we give it to her in her mouth other than that she wont! what should i do? can anyone one help please! thanks so much for your time!...
Wow,some people have no couth these days...?
Y/A get answers from millions of real people. That would include quite a few belligerent types I suppose. Move on and forget. I've been lambasted and groaned about quite a bit. Yet, perhaps you've noticed my shining "Top Contributor" badge? Plug on and leave the dummies in the dust.
Didn't republicans predict this would happen?
Of course they did. They knew he was a far left radical. But the question is did Bush's awful job get the American people to party vote? If so then its the Republicans fault Obama got elected.
How mach do you know about abortion???
im doing research! to answer my question please can you go to google and tape "cosmetics abortionin" in to the search box. web sites will come up under" docter's seek asylum after exposing ukraine abortion for cosmetics scandal, read this site and also "clinics use tissue from babys killed in abortion for cosmrtic" and read this site too. after reading the sites please leave a answer below. please read the web sites before leaving a answer. thank you
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I kno i asked this alot,but iwant lots of opinions,does he like me or not? EVERYONE?
well i dont think im a teen yet but i will tommorow so i say that he just wants to be friends but ya dont have to listen to meh im just 11 good luck!!!=D
Courthouse and probation question?
my friend has paid all fines to date except this month(month not over yet). his probation officer called his job and said he was in trouble with his fines. his boss fired him because he thought he was in more trouble. anything he can do?
Why is my 5 mth grandson sick, everytime hes fed?
we thought it would soon stop, but since birth, he will have a bottle, then throw up half of it..EVERYTIME...hes now on solids & does it with this new food too..we tried changing formulas, but this makes no difference..is his stomach under developed?..maybe he has a hyietis hernia..Hes a happy, chubby baby..& gaining weight nicely..& burps very well after each feed...but hes starting to worry me...any sensible ideas or solutions here??
Appendecitis...gall bladder...liver...HELP?!?
If all of your testing was done over a year ago and the pain is getting worse, go have them look at it again!! This is not something to just back and ignore. Go to a different doctor and let him take a look. A lot can change in a year.
I am 14. I live with my mom in Georgia. My dad is a complete jerk. He almost killed me when I was a child (he was going for a drug run with me in the car and we had a wreck). He got remarried and has two step kids. I love them and my stepmom,b ut i want to get divorced from my dad. Because I hate him, and he still hasn't told me himself about his drug problem (my mom told me). I have a stepdad, and I want to get legally adopted by him. He makes me come see him when I hate the mere thougth of him. i give up so much to "see" him then end up babysitting the whole time while he works. Can I get emancipated from just him, not my mom, and you know my beign 14??? HELP!!!
Hi, can i make a movie on clic short stories? and what about the copyrights?
hi, can i make a movie on clic short stories? like o henry and mark twain's. and what about the copyrights? i mean these stories belong to 19th century and all. please guide, regards.
HELP!! Why is my cell phone not adding songs from my computer? (10 points!)?
If you purchased the songs from ITunes, and they're not upgraded to the DRM-free version, or are otherwise not DRM-free, then it's only going to work on an Ipod. If they are files you just ripped from a CD, then I would suggest utilizing Windows Media Player and manually finding the card in the Sync section. Other than that, you can also plug your memory card into a memory reader, and then drag and drop your files that way, and then plug your memory card back into your Blitz. I would suggest plugging into your phone first so that it can format the card if it hasn't done so already.
Removing part of the chimney?
We have an older 2 story home. the cheimney is allready been removed in the attic when we had the roof done. We would like to remove two walls in the kitchen and suuport the upstairs bedroom by putting a beam up where the chimney was in the ceiling. is this possible or do we take down the whole chimney?
Should I get the pink or black ipod nano (3rd generation)?
Black, for one reason. When you get tired of it when the next one comes out, you can sell it to anyone. A guy will not buy pink. But a chick would consider a black one. You are. Black doubles your resale.
What to ask a Pediatrician at consultation?
When I was pregnant with my first child, I asked how they would react to me calling in the middle of the night, when I thought it was an emergency, but it really was nothing? Remember first impressions are everything! Congrats and Good Luck!!
Does anyone know the name of this movie?
I watched this movie a couple of years ago on tv. It was about some guy who owns a pizzeria in nyc and lives in the apartment above it with his wife and kids. The guy cheats on his wife with many different women (one I remember is a real estate agent, another he met in a bar) and one day his wife finds out. she tells her mother (his mother in law) and they plot to kill him. first they try to kill him by putting a bottle of sleeping pills in his soup but it doesnt kill him. so the mother inlaw hires 2 hitmen to kill him. first they try hitting him on the head which knocks him out but doesnt kill him and later they shoot him twice but the sleeping pills slow the bleeding and save him. later he ends up in the hospital and his wife,mother inlaw, and the 2 hitmen are arrested. When he gains consciousness the guy bales them all out and tells his wife that he realizes that she loves himso much that she would rather see him dead than with another women and that he loves her cuz she loves him so much
Will i get my period next mth in april around the 7th?
i got myself off the b/c pills last tuesday and now cam this monday and i have my period so does that mean i will get it next mth in april on the 7th which is 28 days.
Do guys like country girls?
ok everyones always tellin me how country i am! ive grown up so far in a small town in mississippi i know more about football than most of my guyfriends! i hunt i listen to country music and i ride in rodeos i love to mud right and my favorite vehicle is a chevy truck! all my friends mess with me and say i have the strongest country accent theyve ever heard! well im not plannin on changing for any guy but i was just wondering if guys liked country girls?
How long should you defrost italian sausage for?
Defrost in refrigerator usually it takes 7 or more hours depends how cold your frige is feel it if its soft that you can squeeze then its defrosted. Another way of defrosting it is in the microwave, set it to defrost set how many pounds those frozen sausages were and defrost.
R&P: will you share a happy song with us?
Well since it is nearly Christmas time my happy song of the day is THIS!a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asq7TW4bRBU" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asq7TW4bR…/a
How can I clean my sphynx cat's pores?
Sphynx require ALOT of care. It could be diet or inviorment. be sure not to use chemicles anywere in the house. It could also be what your currently washing him in. The trick to cats when washing is wash, rinse, rinse and rinse again to ensure all is off. Try a good shampoo. Did you get her from a breeder? they should be able to tell you some good stuff. If not contact a rescue and ask what they use.
How do you subtly flirt to tell him you like him?
I need some help.. i like a guy and I think the best way to tell him I like him is to flirt. but I don't really know how I should go about it without being pushy.
Is he hitting on me?
I think my martial arts instructor is hitting on me. It the begin he was civil and courteous. Now he teases me, picks on me, and gives me little nicknames (nothing mean). He'll do things like put his arm around me or he'll ask my pratice partner to pair up with someone else and he asks me to partner up with him. Once I injured my calf and he maged it. One time we were doing drills and I was holding those punching bag mitts for my partner and my instructor said I was holding it wrong and he came up behind me put his arms around me and adjusted my arms that way (u know how people do when they are teaching someone how to play golf). One time I decided not to practice some wrestling techniques with my partner so i sat there while he praticed with someone else. My instructor came over asked why i wasnt practicing I told him my calf still hurt and he wanted me to practice with him anyway! I don't know if he's just overly friendly or actually subtly hitting on me. What do I do? I am
Looking for a 2007 summer beverage dispenser from BB&B?
It was a round multi colored striped ceramic jug with a lid, large (probably 2 gallon), with a spigot and a blank square on the front to write what the drink is inside. Its definitely a summer item. I purchased it in 2007 at Bed Bath & Beyond and I'm now looking to replace it, since the lid recently broke and it was a special gift. Any idea where I can find this? I'm sure its been discontinued.
What are some alternatives to a Sweet Sixteen?
I am going to turn 16 soon, but I know I do not want a party at all. I am looking for something unique and different to do, and I am willing to spend some money, but not too much. I live in Upstate New York, and I am willing to travel, but not too far and for not more than a couple of days. Thank you for any advice!
Is it possible to be vegan? opinions?
animal products are used in absolutely every aspect of our lives so how is it possible to be vegan. im not bashing vegans. to each his own. but this is true so what is the vegan perspective on this. i mean is being vegan like saying i will not use any thing that could possibly come from harming animals. or are there products that you just simply cant find a vegan alternative for so you have to use such as tires and pills and adhesives, stuff like that. im not vegan and dont try to convert me im just an average guy reaching out for an answer to this question. i repeat im not trying to bash vegans so please no calling me a moron or any thing. i come in peace.
Am I wrong asking my son to keep his pregnant sister in his wedding?
My son is getting married. They asked my daughter to be a bridesmaid and she accepted. She is now 12 weeks pregnant. They recently told her that they what her to step down and be a reader. They say it would be in her best interest for comfort and health-wise. She will be 7 1/2 month (34 weeks) She agreed to it being it's their wedding but is very hurt. She is considering not going to the wedding. As a mother of 3, I don't see a problem. I feel its her way of saying I don't want a pregnant person in my wedding. My son sides with his fiance. They have a 10 month old daughter. I wasn't overly joyed finding out. Not because of the baby but I question her motives. I prefer marriage before the baby. Like the way my daughter has lead her life. Married 3 years and now having a child. Now I have an angry mother of the bride telling me I'm not a good mother. Not showing unconditional love to my son, ruining her daughters happy day, etc. I have two children who's feelings are hurt and I love very much. If I'm a bad mother I failed at teaching my son to stand up and support your family. Am I wrong asking my son to keep his pregnant sister in his wedding? What is the right thing to do to keep peace in the family without taking a side?
Workout at the gym after break?
I started back at the gym after a 2 mth break and have been going for 2 days, I am fairly fit and manage to do around 8km on the treadmill, 10 min rowing machine, weights and ab exercises. Today I feel sore and legs heavy, should I go today and what could I do at the gym, I want to go but my legs are heavy, targeted areas is stomach.
How does global warming cause drought?
It does not because warming produces more moisture in the air and so more rain except in regions that have no lakes or oceans to get water from. Drought is most prevalent during long cold periods when the sun is not warm enough to evaporate the needed water for rain. We really needed at least 1 more degree of warming and another 2 to 300ppm of co2 to get into a good crop producing climate. We are still in an ice age and while it is more comfortable then a full ice age we still have a noticeable number of large glaciers present. During a true optimum the only major glaciers are on very tall mountains and Antartica.
Calculus Question About Minimizing?
The length of a cedar chest is twice its width. The cost/dm^2 of the lid is four times the cost/dm^2 of the rest of the cedar chest. If the volume of the cedar chest is 1440 dm^3, find the dimensions so that the cost is a minimum. Thanks in advance!
What do you think of this poem I wrote?
There's a wry irony here, slightly self-deprecating. The poem has a good pace, and is rich in imagery. I enjoyed it, it's definitely polychromatic.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Do you know why yutube won't let me post the comment. I posted only one comment and the second critic of an am?
I was watchink the remake of Count montecristo from 2002, and did not like it. So I posted the comment that (american movie directors) shold not remake foreign movies that are masterpieces, because the copy movie is going to be always worse (and now days especially), when nothing good comes from the Holywood. They think thatremaking of famous movie will ure the audience. But not the title but good acting and directing ures good audience. Anyway i like to polemize, not just tak all the c without blinking your eye/. People are not stupid here.
How do you replant a cactus?
So I have this cactus that is quite small and in a very small pot and it is prickly. It has these little pebbles at the top I guess to keep stuff away from the soil? anyway how do you replant a cactus? do you just put on some gloves and pull it out? and what soil should you use? is there any right one to use?
I have smoked weed for 10 + yrs. and it has helped me with MANY issues. like cramps, nausea, stress. and my ADD. there are a few more but y waste my breath. i have used SALVIA over 5 times..it is a SURREAL experience, BUT if someone were to use it while driving it WOULD cause an accident. but smokin a blunt while driving will not effect your abilities, and u wont be trippin'. wtf is up wit the GOV. ?
Stone in gull bladdder, what can i do? PLZ HELP!!?
I needs to be removed, this is a build-up of fat calcifying in the gall bladder, change of diet is foremost, every time you eat a diet high in fat you will get these attacks
At what age should kids start taking daily showers?
Our daughter takes showers every other day or every third day. What is an appopriate age to start expecting nightly showers?
What is used to improve the quality of a blood specimen?
um well blood decomposes in the air outside the body.. tube? maybe? i doubt additives and a tourniquet is to stop intense bleeding...not to sure on the anti coagulate
At 5-9, the 49ers can STILL make the playoffs? Are you kidding me?
I don't think anything should be done with the playoffs, unless all teams played the same slate within the conference...which is impossible. The Raiders would need to win the division and - no matter what the math says - it's not going to happen....they are showing good strides, though. As with the Raiders, the 49ers have to hop over two teams with two games to go...not going to happen.
What kinda of dog should I get I love all of em'?
Depends on what you are looking for in a dog. The ones you already have are each very different, so you should have an idea of what type you prefer. I would think with that type of variety, you should just go to the animal shelter and find one with a personality you like, since you don't seem to be too particular about the breed!
Happy fathers day card ? repost?
It could be either, but I think it's from a more mature daughter rather than a little girl. Either way, it's a lovely message that a father would appreciate - whether from his daughter or his wife
Gaelic irish translation for to rise without dishonour?
Eason�ir is dishonour. Not every every word can be translated. For example to rise to the occasion. bheith inchurtha leis an �c�id. lasmuigh de is without
Law questions: constitutional separation of powers?
The President and Congress are both duty-bound to stay within the powers the Consttution enumerates to them. That's not to say that some implied things may arise which are not totally clear and then that's when the Supreme Court has to come into action to define how the act is applied, since the Constitutio was written long ago and is subject to interpretation to modern questions. Legislative histories are doents on file which list and describe congressional actions day-to-day, such as the Congressional Record. Signing statements are the current actions before the current congress
Would You Reply To This Email?
Answer him if you are still concerned about him. If you are not ... ignore. Its no point dragging the past. If I was you, I wouldnt have replied, whats over is over. Gotta move on.
What should I do with my girlfriend?
First off who broke up with who? Either way it sounds like she still has feelings for him and the fact that she's hiding you from him could mean that they are dating again and she's just pulling you around for kicks. And how long have you been dating because the max time to get an abortion is about 12 - 18 weeks and it doesn't seem as if she was at the max so if you guys were dating three months ago Im sorry to tell you but she's been sleeping around.
Changing the delivery method on viagogo?
I'm selling tickets on Viagogo and they automatically selected UPS courier for my delivery method. I emailed them but they haven't replied. Is it possible for me to change my delivery method to Royal Mail and how do I do it?
How to stop or atleast lower down the fin nipping?
hi i have a figure 8 puffer and it is nipping some of my fish fins. i dont have another tank to put it in and my dad said no more fish tank in house. i have a crayfish in one tank andgoldfish in another. should i feed him shrimp to trim his teeth (or snails.) i dont want to give him away. the other fish are gold gourami, silver dollar,dojo,knight goby,sa bumblebee cat, pictus cat and a dragon goby(temporary till i give him a new tank.) what should i do
I want hair like this...realll bad !?
Like everyone else has said, take the picture with you. Drink lots of water for shiny hair and use a heat protecting spray. When you get the fringe cut in start brushing it across and blow drying it across to the side you want it to go, so it encourages it to sit that way. Also if it does tend to not want to sit where you want it to go, pin it there at night so it encourages it to go where you want.
I think i have dislecsiar, but my school is rubbish and hasnt piked it up?
i have trouble readin n i can nver concentrate to read i get bored after 1 page! i am always the last to get on with work, and im strugglin but dnt wanna create bout it cos of the other kids! but im strugglin but my teachers just think i am misbehaving, i do a lot but only because im bored!
Isn't the fact that mostly men commit crimes that involve money and stuff like,...(discussion style),...?
Crimes are often the result of desperation. A good man may rob someone to feed his starving family. However a woman with a horrible personality won't commit a crime if she can just leach off of someone else.
Solve the indefinite integral: ∫ {[xln(1-x^2)]/(1-x^2)}dx?
The problem is xln * 1-x^2 all over 1-x^2, and the whole fraction is multiplied by dx. I'm pretty sure you have to use substitution.. but I think it's twice, and I can't figure out the second part, any answers are appreciated.
Will Kevin Durant ever be dominant?
He seems like he has some talent, but you can never tell when he's playing for a bad team like the Thunder
Can You Help Me To Move On?
I am a teenage girl that is afraid to be with another guy. My last two relationships were the longest ones that I have ever been in, but they both ended badly. The first one was with an older guy who started emotionally abusing me and trying everything possible to control every aspect of my life. After I finally got away I met a new guy who promise me love and devotion. It was, in a way, a fairytale relationship! He was sweet, kind and loving. But when I refused to sleep with him things went downhill and I caught him in the act having with another female. Now I don't know what to do and its killing me. I want to move on but I am scared that it's just going to be another failed relationship. Can you help me?
Carnegie Mellon University?
Has anybody been accepted or attend CMU....I am very set on attending there.....My grades iun school are not the best....As & Bs ...maybe 3rd in my cl...this is due to a lack of devotion towards my studies which i now regret...however...i am technically a genius and have won national mathematic competitions....will this help me....anything of use someone can offer will be much appreciated
Can anybody please rate my Pokemon Diamond team?
a solid 8.5/10, but iv'e fought far worse. I would be at the top of the wifi battle tower rankings, but they banned my favorite pokemon.
Avoiding everything and everyone by sleeping through life?
sometimes sleeping is a very good idea. when we are mentally exhausted we need sleep. When people are depressed they are sick and need extra sleep. When I freak out I take a couple of pills and go to bed. It is much better than going to a hospital. Sleep heals that is why when we are sick we need rest. Sweet dreams.
Anxious mum to be?
Oh my word, I am your age with teenage kids and the thought of getting pregnant scares me to death! Your symptoms are all normal, you must know that worrying is bog standard for a mum. My sister in law had a amnio and said it was ok. You must talk about it to your husband, theres no point you both worrying alone. Talk about it all with your midwife and get him to go with you so he can ask questions too. Good luck!!
I need some arguments against Internet censorship?
I am doing a debate at college, one team is for internet censorship and my team is againest internet censorship.Can I have some arguments againest internet censorship?
What do you think this means?
I am in high school its my first year. I am a female. There is this guy who I just met this year, I still really don't know him all that well. But he seems to be really concerned that I don't talk that much to people in cl when we are allowed. (meaning when ever working or when the teacher is not talking). I believe I talk plenty. Any ideas why he might be pestering me about talking to people?
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Does anyone have the recipe for Hard Rock Cafe's "Pickled Tink" drink?
Hard Rock has just closed down where I am, and now I'm having serious withdrawls....mmm...cheesy mac....
Why the hype about the new Sabres third jersey and the clic logo?
The hype machine gets going every year when a team unveils an alternate jersey. I love the old logo myself (not a Sabres fan but the old logo is their best) and while it isnt new they will sell the idea of the new style of jersey. If you have the old CCM one you will not be considered cool, that is the message so you go out and drop coin on a new jersey. It is all about the dime, plain and simple!
Can I buy an airline ticket and skip the connection?
I see a great airfare to a less desirable destination in Europe with a stopover (plane change) in London. Can I just ditch the flight (uming I'm only flying with a carry-on) in London and pick it up there on the way back? Or will I have issues at the gate?
Ladies who seek more mature more stabalized men/?
a more stabilized man is someone who has their **** together, meaning that they have a career ahead of them, they have morals and values etc, not necessarily more $$ and just cuz she wants someone stable it doesnt mean shes a golddigger...thats not relying on the man, its telling the man 2 step it up...they should both be independent, stable and mature..
WoW GM Hacking 2.4.2??
has any1 got the wow Gm hack to work??? u have to type in ur account name and PW and get GM, powers to ur account as seen on thiss video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy4b-RVrKAY&feature=related ..... every1s comment says it works but i cant get it to work,,, can some1plsss help me?? when i try it say "server error"
I like him he likes me and so does his best fran?
be with the person you want to be with that you like, there's no point in 2 dating miles because u don't have affection 4 him in that way.. and it will only hurt u and him and also your friendship.. don't make your life complicated.. miles should know by now that u 2 are going nowhere and that u deeply care about him as a friend. if he hasn't learn 2 accept it yet.. he better start doing it now. Don't ruin your friendship , its been so long since u 2 are friends there is no point to that.. Good luck With preston
I am so confused about menopause I am only 46?
I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago. The Dr left the ovaries as he didnt want me on hormones. Now I cant afford a Dr and I am sweating at night feel like I am going to sponatanously combust during the day, growing chin hairs So yea I may be going thru menopause But I am extremely tired all the time is that a sign too? What should I do?
What do you think are the best & worst divisions going in TNA right now?
Considering match quality, storylines, and feuds in each, which do you think is currently TNA's best division and which ones in the worst shape.(World, Tag Team, X, Legend's, or KO)
RA9504, Single individual even with dependents would now only have 50k exemptions?
As per orientation held last week in our office by our HR and Finance on the new BIR Regulation, I cannot avail the additional exemption of P25,000 for each my qualified dependents because I am single, meaning the additional exemption is only applicable for married? It is only a choice between being single or married.
Teen bible reading plan?
I did a Bible correspondence course when I was younger and I was trying to find that out for you. I've got my sister working on it too. She suggested mailbox club, but I don't think that was it. I'm posting the link for that for you anyway.
Ideas for Christian charity fundraising please?
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Underarm Itching!! Red bumps....?
Ok, I have had these red bumps under one arm inparticular. The other comes and goes with itching. I have done everything, from switching laundry soaps, bath soaps, even switching deoderants, to even going without deoderants. (yeah I know, gross, but I'm desperate!) I have even put on hydrocortisone cream 1%. Even taken benadryl, which seems to help it SOME. I do take a hormone pill, estradiol .5 mg, as I've had a hysterectomy. I've done lots of search, but come up with nothing about hormone related itching,,,,I seem to itch all over my body, CRAZY INSANE itching with no other bumps, just under my arm,,,,the all over itching comes and goes,,,but this underarm thing is ALL THE TIME!!! This has gone on a year and I'm soooo tired of it! any advice? (I have an appointment in August to see my gyno,,that is the quickest they can get me in...) Thanks!!!
Is it possible to kill oneself by holding breath?
Well silly to ponder, but just wondering if we are able to hold our breath till we suffocate? Or will our body automatically fight against it?
What is the name of this Korean Soap Opera?
PLEASE help because it's driving me crazy. KK so I just moved to Korea and im livin on this army base. On TV theres this Korean soap opera that comes on at 11:00 AM each morning and sometimes at 8:00 PM. It's in korean but i like to watch it. It's about this village that is on an island in the pacific. theres this gurl who finds this blonde guy with blue eyes and takes him in to hide him. she's never seen anyone else like him because everyone on there island in Korean. they are starting to fall in love. and theres like this guy who knows about them. im at the part where the village just found out about him. I know this is a little bit crazy but if you know the name of it please tell me!!!
Has it been said what 52 DC comics are being rebooted and is this a good time to start reading DC?
I know that they will be rebooting in August this year, and I know that the big 6 Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman will. As well as Justice League, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey, Hawkman, and Justice Society of America. That is all I know though. Have there been any others? Also, is this a good time to start reading DC for someone who has never really read comics before.
What's a realistic score prediction for the NFC title game?
I'm trying to get a sense of how close people think the game will be and who people think will win. I'd appreciate honest, informed predictions and not biased fan comments.
Help reading math and science textbooks?
I read very quickly and have good comprehension when it comes to reading books, etc. But when I try reading my math textbook or any science textbook it's really to understand. Are there any tips on how to understand textbook material while reading?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Is sweating healthy?
Its like 90 degrees outside if i drink alot of water and get dressed in under-armor, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and jus a lot of layers do u think i could loose some weight by sweating that much? can this help clense my pores to get rid of the pimpils on my face?
Why are current fashions so depressing?
totally agree every one is wearing american ealgle, hollister, abracrombie and stuff and no one is unique except a few, i try to get different clothes that no one gets
What are us rich people going to do, when obama gets all of our tax shelters removed...and we have to pay tax!?
i can.t afford to pay the taxes on my income like....lets say a person who makes 30,ooo. i need my loop holes!!
What is this "kool-aid" stuff about?
I'm sure your aware of the the origin of the "kool-aid" phrase, but for those who are not, it refers to people who are easily led and misled, gullible enough to drink the "kool-aid" with the poison. Jim Jones created Jonestown in Guyana for his cult which began in California (imagine that) in the 70's. he mixed up a bunch of deadly kool aid and convinced almost everyone of his followers to commit suicide by drinking the "kool aid". I haven't watched old Bill in quite sometime but I doubt he has anything to do with anyone's kool aid.
Have they ever been able to get embyonic stem cells from..........................…
a pig to behave in such a way as to give them encouragement that human stem cells would prove useful? We learned in High School Biology that pig physiology is very close to human physiology. Why haven't we heard about any astounding breakthroughs in pig stem cell research?
Earth Science Help:The ozone layer is found in which layer of the atmosphere?
The ozone layer is found in the upper stratosphere and the lower mesosphere. Whoever set the questions should go back to school.
Why is the Australian dollar so low, when it's the U.S who have the screwed econonmy?
I understand global markets, but Australia is at an all time low of unemployment, we're all working, shopping, not a very credit driven society yet. But I look at it time and again and it still makes no sense that the AU dollar drops, start of the year it was 96c now it's like back in the 80's, shouldn't it be the U.S dollar that drops for a change? they're the ones who have stuffed up. Australias economy should be blitzing the U.S dollar by now. It just not making sense at all.
Im engaged but a made a move on me! Should i tell my fiance? Please Help!?
Im engaged to be married and i love my fiance with all i have, He is very protective of me and would do anything to make me smile and he is the love of my life. One of my pal's have a friend who is a or should i say trans-gender & very butch. When i first found out i was fansinated by it as i grew up in a house that doesn't accept things like that but i am open minded and have a male gay friend. The last 7 months i noticed that she would be looking at me alot and brush past me or just smile at me and she started to freak me out and i stopped talking to her as much for a while after this. I slowly started to talk to her again when i asked her about her job interview she got deep into a convo with me then she came out and told me that she had strong feelings for me & that she wanted me to be with her & leaned in to kiss me, I flipped at her and pushed her away from me and called her a disgusting and told her to stay away from me, now i feel terrible. Its really hard not to be around her as we have mutual friends, its so awkward around her, i keep thinking about it. Deep down i think she is a lovely person & is stunning, she is a very guarded and mysterious person and i feel terrible & a horrible person that i acted like that but i was shocked. She still stares/looks at me, I haven't told my fiance or anyone about this as i feel incredibly embarred by it. Any advice? Thanks
How can i get this cute cello guy to notice me?
I play cello, too! And I am going out with another cello in the section (but I'm first chair, not him). Aren't cello guys so adorable? And viola sometimes. *Sigh* Anyway, just go for it. It seems everyone else is waiting for him to ask them out, so it would set you apart if you were to approach him instead of the other way around. What have women fought all this time for if we can't ask a guy out without stressing over it for a month? Just go for it. The worst that could happen is he says "No," but then you just move on.
My crush is being two-faced, and I don't know how to make of it?
confront him. be like "you know how I was ignoring you? well there IS something wrong, you are confusing me, and we need to straighten this out." and then tell him what your friend said.
Why do people bring up Christian values in discussing taxation? Did Jesus ever force anyone to give?
No, but it does say in the Bible that we are to pay our taxes when called on by our Government, it also touches on military service and following the orders of our military leaders even if it means killing someone. Most people don't pay much attention to these parts of the Bible.
5'6" and 109....am i anorexic?
i'm 16 yrs. old, 5'6" and 109 lbs. I have been losing weight since april of last year. i was 195 lbs at that time. i haven't gotten my period in over 7 months and i have constant thoughts about food and weightloss. i have an intense fear of gaining weight.. if i gain .5 lbs, i'll freak out and restrict my intake more. would i be medically diagnosed as an anorexic at this weight?
What would you do in this situation?
I think you should make it clear that this is not just about event planning, but that you like her and are interested in seeing her outside of the context of work. She may not be entirely clear on that.
I am collecting books, making my kids a library. What are some good books to look for? Not only kids books.?
Trawl around garage sales and thrift stores and anywhere you can get books dirt cheap. Then you can afford to take some chances and build a broad library without breaking the bank. Plenty of solid reference books, science, history, philosophy, stuff you've heard of but maybe never read. Same with clic literature. Do a search on 'Penguin Clics' for some ideas but if you recognise a title when you're browsing those piles of second hand books then it's worth considering. For example a local charity shop had a lovely illustrated copy of Homer's Iliad which cost approx 50 cents, so I got it for my daughter's collection even though she's only 4 and won't be interested in it for years.
This boy keeps IMing me saying like wanna hookup and things like that and he always talks to me.we flirt w.?
eachother all the time .but like idk if hes just acting like that bc he wants to hook-up w. mee or bc hee likess mee; hellpp =)
Crackle Nail Polish????!!!!!!?
Ok, so my sister got me crackle nail polish from Justice (yes, I know, lame) but whateva. So I tried to put it on and it wont work!!! Am I doing it wrong. I put the color on below it, then a coat of the crackle! It's not working, and I need it for my party tonight!! HELP!!
Sims 2 castaways psp....how do i get to skull rock jungle or any other island?
im stuck... i cant open the door in the dark cave or move the boulder on the 2nd island. how in the world do i get p all this. i am unable to find any type of guides or anything on this game yet! help please!
Question about Iguana lighting?
I'm interested in getting an iguana in the near - mid future, and I was wondering.. I'm not 100% informed on the whole heating light/UV light thing. Would I need two separate clamp lamps, one for the UV lights and one with the heating lights, or are there UV lights in the heating lights?
Would choose to be a Bionic Man/Women or Mutant Man/Women?
I think i would pick a Bionic Body, but not like Robo-Cop more like T-101 from the Terminator movie.
Panic Attack Question???
I have panic attacks regularly but I've been reading that they can be mistaken for Heart Disease. I am overweight but I'm only 20 years old and I had at least 2 or 3 EKG's done in the last year and they said that everything was fine. By the way, I just became overweight within the last 2-3 years so it's not like I've been severly overweight my whole life or anything. My blood pressure is a little high but that's all thats ever been wrong with me. Should I be worried?
Atheists only please. I have a philosophical question.?
Social attitudes are not innate, which should show you clearly that morality is not a divine gift. If it were, then everyone would know the right thing to do. We are born with the inclination to fit into a social network, but if that network teaches us the wrong values, then it is a rare person who will look outside and not internalize the mores of the society in which he or she was brought up.
How to get rid of moth flies that breeds in toilet drainage pipes.will scrubbing and insecticides do?
these are tiny moth flies that breeds in large nos.Tried using hot water scrubbing and spraying of insecticides but they soon comes back.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I feel like i may be mentally disturbed due to the kinds of es i have?
i felt the same way... because i have some crazy es... and I also was petrified of having a relationship wth a man or woman. I think once you find a certain someone who holds your attention and is accepting of you, you'll find that you'll want to be in a relationship. And if they truly care about you, they'll accept your es... maybe you'll get ucky and they'll be into it too ;)
Do you care about what the world think about the US election?
In this globalized world of ours a good foreign policy is key. It could even have prevented or minimized this meltdown of the US financial market. Do you think it�s already bad? Imagine if OPEC decided to stop using the dollar as a parameter, for example. I just checked a site (one is a href="http://iftheworldcouldvote.com/results," rel="nofollow"http://iftheworldcouldvote.com/results,/a but there are others) showing how citizens of the world would vote in America. I think it tells us something...The future has never been so much in your hands America like today. Think smart. Vote Smart. God Bless you.
How do I change the HID Bulb on my Infiniti M35?
Thank you for looking. I own a 2006 Infiniti M35, and am looking to change the HID Bulb. I read the owners manual, but it states to take it to the dealer, which I refuse to do for a simple bulb change. Does anyone know how exactly to do it? Thanks a lot
Should I play my basketball game friday night when my SWC track meet is on saturday?
Alright so I have a park and rec basketball game friday night and SWC's for indoor track the next day. Im going to run the 55 dash, 300 meter, and 4x200 meter races. I really want to do well in my track meet and was wondering will playing a game the night before hurt me in my races? or will the extra running even help my times? basically will I have enough rest between my bball game and my track meet? BTW, my bball game isn't a big deal but don't want to let my teammates down....
I wrote a letter to President George W. Bush....?
So the president will remain resolute if for no other reason than because of your inspiring letter! Send him a letter telling him to close the borders and kick out all illegals.
Would a soprano lend you a tenor?
If I see another tenor joke, I'm gonna punch someone. They are as old as the hills, overdone and not funny. Ahh, feck it, I'm starting with you *smack*
Name of a PC Game (Spacestation sim type game)?
Outpost Kaloki, I think that is the game you are thinking about. you start off with a small space station and you keep adding things on like parks, lemonade stands and power plants and many other things.
What is the meaning of this poem by Li Po?
The basic idea i can grasp in this poem from a quick reading is that it speaks of some of the few permanent things in life. The moon is ever present and our shadow cannot be dissociated from ourselves. It shows us how to appreciate ourselves and find simple happiness instead of running after unreachable perfect happiness in the impermanent things around us and neglecting the basic things in life.
Paramedics- Motivate me!?
go do fireman training first and then paramedic training. i know a few people who went that way... they still fight fires and participate in rescues..
Now that we have a President from a "tax donor" states - will Red states have to pay their fair share? ?
Probably not. The discrepancy between urban states and rural states in terms of how much federal money they get is deeply entrenched in various federal laws and is not subject to the president's discretion.
Desperate...please help!!?
If you can use a computer , you can find all the answers to your home work yourself without asking on Yahoo Answers.
Eye color enhancement!?
whatss that eye color enhancement make up called that they havee a commercial forr it and its by a big company and they have it forr each eye color?
Non-Custodial Dependent Exemptions?
My son qualified as a full time college student and earned $22,000 for 2007. I am the non custodial parent and allowed by divorce agreement to claim him on my taxes. He is one of three dependent children. My ex gets to claim the other 2. Are there any restrictions that prohibit me from claiming him, based on his income?
Does this poem make sense to you?
What is it about exactly? I really liked it, I just wish I knew what it was about. Clever and great use of words. Good job, keep up the good work!
What is the work done by the shopper in Joules?
A shopper in a supermarket pushes a cart with a force of 33 N directed at an angle of 25� downward from the horizontal. Find the work done by the shopper as she moves down a 50 m length of aisle.
Are able to get a climax after receiving a vasectomy?
I see the fake doctor is back spreading his SPAM. About half a million men get them every year in the USA. In Asian countries about three times that many do. Would they do so if it had any affect on their life? No they would not.
What music's best to listen to when pregnant?
I heard it's apparently really good to listen to music when you're pregnant. I've recently made a 'baby playlist' that features music from Debussy, Mozart, Beethoven (seeing as clical's a huge hit!), acoustics and several others. I'd like more of a wide range though - any suggestions?
Do neon colors make you look like a weirdo?
My stepmom said that if I wore neon colors to a Panic at the Disco concert I'd look like a moron. But after the concert she said "Oh you should have wore neon for that concert why didn't you?" So I want to know once and for all does neon make you look like a moron or weirdo? plz help (im not old btw) :)
Bringing Troops home from Afganistan?
Hi im doing COPE in my tutorial time at College which is an A level of sorts i have to discuss whether to bring British troops home from Afganistan and im arguing to keep them there. I think leaving with the job half done would be a waste of good soldiers lifes , but im struggling for other reasons can anyone give me a good anwser??
What will happen to the British military if....?
What will happen to the British military if the SNP (scottish national party) ever came to power, and the country was de-unified. Will the British military remain, or will Scotland pocess it own force, hugely reducing our military capabilities as a whole. I do know that the SNP want to get rid of the nuclear weapons base in Scotland where our 4 nuclear armed subs are based. If we lose this base, then we would have to consider London's river thames as a base (mive population area). Furthermore, even if a thames base was created, the reduced english only budget would hardly be able to afford the subs. Across the board we would lose our carriers, amphibious kit, and loads of destroyers, subs and frigates. Not to mention mively reduce the RAF and army, reducing our military capabilities and security. We would definantly lose our world cl power status. This is on top of a already reduced, strained and over-streched military and defence budget. Plus, would SNP be a member of NATO? and other military and sercurity things besides? anyone know the answers to these questions? I hope the SNP never win the election. Long live Britain, as one united nation.
What does a Conjunction between a planet and a star mean in Astrology?
A conjunction means a star and planet are ping very close to each other in the sky. However, it means nothing for astrology, because astrology is pure superstition. It has no basis in reality. If you want to ask astrology questions, the astrology section is under Entertainment, not Science.
What's the NFL's biggest interconference (AFC vs. NFC) rivalry?
I would definitely say Jets/Giants. I live in NYC and I know that often there can be pretty heated arguments.
What are people gonna do in clubs in England next year when the smoking ban comes into effect?
Hi all! You know we've been doing this for quite a few years now here in the US, but just yesterday some guy gave us hell here on yahoo, blaming us for polluting the entire planet because we now smoke outside! It was hilarious. I thought, we can't win for losing! So maybe you'll be hearing from him soon! Just thought it was a funny coincidence when I saw your question and thought I'd share it with you. While I'm at it, Happy Holidays and peace be with you all. Oh and narct3, you will get used to it. It's just a drag at first, (pardon the pun.)
Dont u think anti alcholic is bs?
Like seriously, "don't drink" then u hear 4-10 year olds "I"ll nvr drink" then they become alcholics! I think whatever ppl say vryone will drink bear! Bear bear beer!!!
Why should we lift a finger to help Libya when we already know what the outcome will be?
Say we decided to create a No Fly Zone (which is in effect declaring war on LIbya). During the required operations to destroy Anti Aircraft batteries you know a few "innocent civilians" are going to get killed and then Media like Al Jazera will use those images to inflame an already out of control MIddle East population. Along with that the Loony Left will claim we're only doing it for the oil. Face it getting involved with Libya will be a no win situation for us.
I need help what should i do?
me and my bf brok up befor 20 days he said he want to gv his tym for studies n said lets tak a brk after studies if everythig will be ok then will be in a relationship and said if i found someone else then i should move on i love him and i said dont do this but he dont want to be in any relationship for some time i repetedly said him dont do this and he is now angry and said that he dont believe in love anymore and dont want me and he is fine and he said angrly he wont come back what should i do i knw he love me and i love u but now we r just friend i want him back plz tell me what should i do
What did Rory Williams mean when he said...? Doctor Who?
He's thinking about the effect the Doctor had on Amy. She was young when she met him and went to go to four counselors afterward because she couldn't stop talking about her "imaginary" friend.
How can I make these characters more exciting?
I'm writing a short novel about a young girl of 19/20 years old, who falls in love with a man of about 26. She leaves home to be with him because her family think he's trouble. She drops everything for him. A year or so down the line she's living with him and his brother and his brothers girlfriend. Her partner and his brother are involved in a lot of dangerous stuff. They've killed many people and d young girls, etc. The girl is expected to keep her mouth shut and cover up for them. Being naive and thinking she's in love, she does as she's told. But eventually she gets caught up in one of the murders. She doesn't actually do anything, but she's forced to watch a teenage girl being brutally killed by the man she loves and his brother. She knows then that she has to get out but she's petrified. In the end she gets away, but it's a long story. I'd just like to know how to make the characters more interesting and gain some sort of understanding on the girls situation. Her boyfriend is a murderer so I'm going to make him a bit abusive towards her. How would she act and how would he act, etc.? It'd be a great help if anyone with an understanding could elaborate.
NFL parody? there are 5 teams i care to watch! i blame over exspansion and the salary cap, agree or not? why?
are u kidding me? theres talent out there it just has to be found. i understand that a roster is made up of 50+. but look at the population of the world. im sure if american football leagues becomes more global that would not be no problem. But since the nfl dont seem to care i agree with you alot of mediocre teams, but i blame management and scouts because of that. some teams are just a couple of players shy of makin their team great. Also look at the injuries but thats uncontrollable but does have effect on teams performance
Should I drop Michael Jenkins and pick up Doug Gabriel or Mike Furrey?
I have Marvin Harrison, Marques Colston, Reggie Williams, and Greg Jennings. I know my WRs are sort of weak but this was my first draft...last year my hubbie picked for me and I did really well...this year I am on my own.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Would purple hair look good with golden skin tone?
Umm no, natural colour is the best. I saw a freak today with bright green fluro hair. I nearly snapped my neck off going what the? She wasn't young either that's what made it more bizarre
Do you sleep with your pets?
Having grown up on a farm, mucked the stalls and cared for the critters, I enjoy the bed bereft 4 legged's! Your poem however, purred right well!
Is it legal to sample human flesh in an anthropology cl?
I am asking because according to Wikipedia's article on American Idol, "the 2005 auditions featured a "cannibal" who had sampled human flesh in an anthropology cl." WHAT? Is that true? How is that possible? Surely it is not legal. And if it is illegal, then why didn't the guy get arrested? I'm confused. Does anyone know any more about this?
Suggestions for a good read?
Okay, so i want am interested in Science-fiction, action/adventure and fantasy novels. i read and loved Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, City of Bones(the whole series) and Clockwork angel by candra clare. i loved uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. what other books are there to read and worth your time? any suggestions of books that are sci-fi, or fantasy. i despise romance or clique novels by the way. if you read any of these books i listed, tell me what books you enjoyed and are your favorites. i want your opinion.
Are there any verses in the bible related to outer space?
Are there any mention of other planets? (specify) Stars? The Moon? I am curious (and admittedly lost).
How to make an authorization letter for other getting my baptismal certificate?
Please provide more details, where are you and what country do you need the baptismal certificate from?
I want to make a sake set for ceramics cl, how tall are the cups and server supposed to be?
a href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Dsake%2520set%26fr2%3Dtab-web%26fr%3Dyfp-t-453&w=149&h=160&imgurl=www.kitchen-hills.com%2Fimages%2FBlack-and-Red-Sake-Set-X41470R-B0009JGYCA-M-AZ4XSY3VTUAG4_.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kitchen-hills.com%2FHouse-of-Rice%2FBlack-and-Red-Sake-Set-X41470R-B0009JGYCA.htm&size=5.6kB&name=Black-and-Red-Sake-Set-X41470R-B0009JGYCA-M-AZ4XSY3VTUAG4_.jpg&p=sake+set&type=jpeg&no=12&tt=7,929&oid=596c6afe444ff7da&ei=UTF-8"http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/im…/a
Were Can i find this video of so you think you can dance ?
I saw it last year and i loved it . its the song unwritten by natasha beningfield and they were dancing to it on so you think you can dance . this was last year . and also when is the show starting again
Urdu translation to english?
bewafai ka ab gila kaisa, aap pehle bhi kab harare thhe meri aankhon mein phelte hue rang kal tak aap ko bhi to pyaare thhe
I have just had my gall bladder removed?
Im not eating much because I don't have any appetite...Im drinking three litres of water a day...but when I do eat Im suffering from diarrhoea can somebody tell me if this is normal.
If i had a partial hysterectomy,will someone be able to carry my eggs and have me a child?can i still produce?
as long as your ovaries are functioning then yes......eggs can be harvested and implanted into a willing surrogate mother
SMO V/s SEO ...........?
Is SMO (Social Media Optimization) a part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? What is SMO ? Please explain
Need to kill Bloodwing. Im level 40. Done Raithwall, killed cactus flower and Nidhogg.Can't get key.?
Dantro's wife says she doesn't know where he is. I have the cactus flower. I can't give it to her. She says Dantro went to the North or something across the river. Villager's say that the ferry has not come back. I never did the Dalmascan Patient side quest. Both entranced back into the page are blocked off. What do I do? I think I have to talk to Dantro again but how do I find him if he has gone across the river and I never talked to him again after completing the quests to start the side quest?
How much does it take for a girl to become un virgin?
A girl is a virigin as long as she has not had with a boy..meaning an actual . Once the is inside, she is no longer a virgin. Doesn't matter how far it goes in or how long lasts.
Who thinks IT will be cena vs kahila for the wwe championship very soon and who do you tink will win?
Hopefully Cena since Khali doesn't have any mic skills at all and doesn't have any Manager to make up for it.
How do I unfreeze my gutters?
I live in Michigan and have a heat strip across my roof ledge off the back door and down into my gutters and down-spout so that melting snow will drain (there is no soffet vent). Its worked great but a couple weeks ago the heat strip died. Now the heat strip is frozen to the roof and I have a huge amount of ice in my gutters to where its overflowing. I tried roof melt pucks but the ice is too thick and won't budge. How do I get rid of the ice in the gutters?
First home..found a crack...what could it be...please HELP ME!!!?
Buying my first home, saw a crack at the front door entrance on the concrete step slab. The home is 30 to 50 years old, and is a 2 story home. Is this crack due to the age of the home, or is there a serious foundation problem. The seller is asking for a resonable selling price, however he is wanting to sell as is. The seller stated his discloser was so limited because he didn't live in the home, he rented.If there is a problem this will cause me no room to borrow extra money just in case this may be a big problem.What are the cost?Should I walk away? Can it be fixed? What are the signs of foudation problems. First home, and im really scared. Please help.
How to confront a mugger?
I have found if you shout at them like a mad person and be very loud they run off. They expect you to crumble when they attack you, so if you do not the fear of being caught often makes them run. Guns would be another matter, but shouting always works when in peril.
Should I buy 4x4 or AWD and why?
I think that you should buy a 4 x 4 based on the info that you said you need a car that can drive in tough winters. An all wheel drive would also be good but 4 x 4 is better for driving in snow and off road....
Slaam broz..actually i hav forgotten my gmail user (ID) & pword as well.. now i dont know how to get it bak?
plz help me.. i wana ask another thing, can i creat ANOTHER new gmail account by using the same yahoo email (ID) ???
What will you remember most about Michael Jackson?
I will remember his singing, music vidoes, and his dancing moves that are being used still today. RIP MJ
Where can i get vanderbilt university apparel cheap?
Nowhere besides the bookstore really has a wide variety of Vandy stuff. vandygear.com is a possibility but their stuff isn't always cheaper than the bookstore. Besides that you can wait until stuff goes on sale at the bookstore, but it's really hard to find places with Vandy stuff. I know last year after I got into Vandy I looked everywhere for stuff, but wasn't really able to find stores where I'm from (outside Atlanta) that had Vandy stuff. Good luck!
Does God experience doubt (paradox of the stone)?
God made Man in his own image. The cosmos became self aware with the dawn of intelligent consciousness. This consciousness is God since self awareness is required to realize your own image or existence. Therefore, God experiences everything that Man experiences because the consciousness of Man is God.
Itunes problem! help ?!?
ok so i already have an itunes account set-up and everything from a while ago but i recently got a new computer. how can i download itunes onto this computer too without having to pay for it and set up a whole nother account and everything?
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